The University of Iowa


Welcome to the University of Iowa website dedicated to British choral composition from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This website is currently under construction and will be updated frequently, so please visit often to see what new composers, compositions, and authors/poets have been added to the database.  The purpose of this site is to disseminate comprehensive information regarding contemporary British choral composers as well as their compositions and use of texts.  This site is designed to be used by professional conductors/educators, researchers, and students who will find this site useful for research, education and repertoire selection when considering concert programs.  Unique to this website are several important features: 1) its connection to multiple online resources (including samples of scores and online recordings of music, interviews and documentaries; 2) its emphasis on texts and poets with cross-referencing between compositions and texts, and 3) the ability to search databases of composers, compositions, texts and authors/poets.

Across the top of each page you will find five tabs for exploration:

  • COMPOSERS: Search here for a composer you are particularly interested in learning more about or use it as a means to explore composers you do not know.  Upon clicking on one of the composer icons, you will be taken to his/her individual webpage which will give you more information about the composer.  Information about each composer can vary depending on what has been entered by the time you view the webpage.  This site is updated frequently, so please do check back often to see what has been added.  In time, more information will be added to each composer's page.
  • WORKS: Here you will find a searchable database of all composers and their compositions added to date.  This list expands frequently.  You can search by title, composer, scoring:voices, scoring:instruments, and published date.
  • AUTHORS & POETS: As in the COMPOSERS page, you can view which authors/writers/poets are represented in the musical works entered to date.  When you click on one of the icons, you will taken to his/her individual webpage with links to more information and a list of writings utilized in musical works.  Clicking on the title or first line of text will lead you to a page about the work with links to the musical work in which the text has been set.
  • TEXTS: Here you will find a searchable database of all texts, either by title or, if the work has no title, by first line.  You can search the database by title/first line, author, language, category, or publication date.
  • FEATURED: Visit this page for updates on the development of the site and various information pertaining to UK choral composers from the 20th and 21st centuries.

As you experience this website, please do not hesitate to contact me, Timothy Stalter (, at any time with suggestions or to report any inaccuracies or problems with the site.  I look forward to hearing from you and hope this site will be a welcome addition to your professional life as a conductor/performer, researcher, educator, and/or student.