The University of Iowa

Ah, mine heart

5th Century


Ah, mine heart remember thee well,

And think of the paines that bin in hell.

Ah, mine heart, remember thee well,

How greatly thou art bound indeed,

Thou thinkest of him never a deed

That helps thee ever at thy most need.

Alas for sorrow mine heart, doth bleed

To think how grievously I have offended.

With weeping tears most lamentable

To God above I call and cry

I will ask God while I am able,

I have offended so grievously,

Me to amend I will me hie,

For all my lifedays I have misspent,

I cry to God mercy I have offended.

Works using this text
Title Composer Published Scoring: Voices Scoring: Instruments Length Difficulty
Ah, mine heart Gabriel Jackson 2003 SSAATB 00:03:00 3