The University of Iowa


Title Author Published Language Category Works using text
Lord's Prayer, The Lord's Prayer, The
Love feathereth my wings Luigi Tansillo 16th Century English translation of Italian text Secular Poetry Airplane Cantata
Luke 7:37-38 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Luke 7:44-45 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Luke 7:47-48 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Luke 7:49 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Luke 7:50 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Lux Mortuorum Richard George Elliott English Poetry Lux Mortuorum
Magnificat Latin Liturgical: Canticle (including hymns) Magnificat, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Norwich Service), Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Tewkesbury Service), Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Truro Service)
Mark 14:53-55 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Mark 14:69-72 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Mark 15:1-5 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Mark 15:14-15 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Mark 15:23-39 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Mark 15:6-13 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 21.5 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 21:9b-11 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 26:20 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 26:26-28 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 26:36 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 26:47 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 26:48-49 English Biblical: New Testament Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Matthew 2:1-2 Latin Christmas Text Magi, The
Missa Brevis (w/out Credo) Latin Liturgical: Mass Edinburgh Mass, Missa Sanctae Margaretae, Missa Triueriensis
Not no faceless Angel Tanya Lake English Secular Poetry Not no faceless Angel
Now I have known, O Lord Abu-l-Qāsim al-Junaid (c. Tenth Century) English Spiritual Poetry Now I have known, O Lord
Nowell sing we Anonymous (Fifteenth Century) English and Latin Medieval Christmas Carol Nowell sing we
Nunc Dimittis Latin/English Liturgical: Canticle (including hymns) Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Norwich Service), Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Tewkesbury Service), Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Truro Service)
O Clavis David Anonymous (Sixth Century) Latin O Clavis David
O Doctor Optime Anonymous (Century Unknown) Latin Liturgical: Antiphon O Doctor Optime
O God, who didst call thy servant Queen Margaret Anonymous (Century Unknown) English Liturgical Hymn to St. Margaret of Scotland
O nata lux Latin Liturgical: Canticle (including hymns) O nata lux
O quam gloriosum Latin Liturgical: Antiphon O quam gloriosum
O sacrum convivium St. Thomas Aquinas Latin Liturgical: Antiphon O sacrum convivium
O thou that art the light Saint Augustine of Hippo English Devotional/Non-Liturgical O thou that art the light
Orbis patrator optime Robert Bellarmine Latin Liturgical: Canticle (including hymns) Orbis patrator optime
Our flags are wafting in hope and grief Doris Kareva English Secular Poetry Our flags are wafting in hope and grief
Pange Lingua (Fornatus) Venantius Fortunatus c. 530 - c. 600/609 Latin Liturgical: Canticle (including hymns) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Planetary Dance English Secular Poetry Planetary Dance
Prayer (I) George Herbert 17th Century English Spiritual Poetry Land of Spices, The
Prayer of King Henry VI, A King Henry VI of England Latin Devotional/Non-Liturgical Prayer of King Henry VI, A
Prayer to the Sun, A Geoffrey Hill 1968 English Poetry Deep, but Dazzling Darkness, A
Preces and Responses English LIturgical: Responses Preces and Responses
Priez pour paix Doulce Vierge Marie Charles, Duc D'Orleans French Spiritual Poetry Prayer for Peace, A
Psalm 137 Thomas Carew English Biblical: Psalms Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The
Psalm 34: 9-10 (O fear the Lord) English Biblical: Psalms O fear the Lord
Psalms 145:15 (Oculi ominous--The eyes of all) Latin Biblical: Psalms Oculi omnium
Regina caeli Anonymous (Twelfth Century) Latin Marian Antiphon Regina caeli
Requiem Mass (Missa pro Defunctis/Mass for the Dead) Latin Liturgical: Requiem Mass
Revelation 7:12 Latin Biblical: New Testament